.. aiohttp-demos documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Oct 29 12:51:35 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to aiohttp-demos ======================== .. _aiohttp-demos-polls-beginning: If you want to create an application with *aiohttp* there is a step-by-step guide for *Polls* application (:ref:`aiohttp-demos-polls-getting-started`). The application is similar to the one from Django tutorial. It allows people to create polls and vote. There are also many other demo projects, give them a try! Example Projects ================ We have created for you a selection of fun projects, that can show you how to create application from the *blog* to the applications related to data science. Please feel free to add your open source example project by making Pull Request. - `Shortify `_ - *URL shortener* with *Redis* storage. - `Moderator `_ - UI and API for classification of offensive and toxic comments using *Kaggle* data and *scikit-learn*. - `Moderator bot `_ - Slack bot for moderating offensive and toxic comments using provided model from *Moderator AI* - `Motortwit `_ - *Twitter* clone with *MongoDB* storage. - `Imagetagger `_ - Example how to deploy deep learning model with *aiohttp*. - `Chat `_ - Simple *chat* using websockets. - `Polls `_ - Simple *polls* application with PostgreSQL storage. - `Blog `_ - The *blog* application with *PostgreSQL* storage and *Redis* session store. - `Graphql `_ - The simple real-time chat that based on the *GraphQL* api and *Apollo client*. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 preparations tutorial